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Pattaya to Celebrate Wanlai Songkran Water Fun on April 19th

The city of Pattaya is set to host the "Songkran Wanlai Pattaya Festival", also known as the Big Day of Songkran, on Friday, April 19th, 2024, featuring traditional Thai ceremonies, exciting music performances, and of course, the non-stop water fun!

Songkran Wanlai Pattaya
Songkran Wanlai in Pattaya

The festivities will kick off in the morning with a traditional Thai ceremony at Wat Chai Mongkol from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The activities during this first section focus on the essence of traditional Songkran such as the pouring of water on Buddha statues, seeking blessings from elders, and watching cultural dances.

As the sun begins to set, the fun will move to the beach for an electrifying evening of music and entertainment. From 3:00 PM to 11:00 PM, everyone is invited to join the big party and dance the night away to the beats of renowned artists and DJs at the activity area near Central Pattaya Beach. Some of the main lineup include Retrospect, FrenchW, Ant Emotion town, PP’DREAMS, THE SIX PACK, DJ AYRTON, DJ PPEDDLEPIE, DJ WONDER, DJ NADIA, and DJ XANDRIA.

As a little heads up, all major roads in Pattaya are expected to experience heavy traffic jams throughout the event. Police have also warned people not to use high-pressure water guns.

All in all, don’t miss out on this incredible Songkran celebration in Pattaya!

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